All Together Now
May 5 to June 17, 2017
Opening: Friday May 5, 8pm
Curated and Organized by Mindy Yan Miller and Jessica Morgun
Throughout the spring, All Together Now as a community art project invited professional artists and community members to submit work to AKA. In this metaphorical and physical space, people from all areas of the community will cross paths: students from local schools, clients of community programs, local craftspeople and professional artists, celebrating the diverse work of the neighbourhood and beyond. The intent of a radically open call such as this fosters awareness of the creative work being made by community stakeholders and increases the visibility and accessibility of AKA as an artist-run centre embedded in a diverse and complex neighbourhood that is currently undergoing change in a variety of ways.

Detail of Work for All Together Now

At AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada

At AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada

At AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada

At AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada

At AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada

At AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada
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